
 Last night,so my kids,you know,they want to watch TV all the time. 昨晚 我的孩子们 他们一直都想看电视

And I try to pretend,all right,if I put on a good show,it will be good for them and it's not bad that they're watching TV, 我试着假装接受 如果我看了好的节目 对他们来说很好 他们看电视也不会是坏事
So last night I'm like,what do I put on?I hit the list and apparently I recorded "Little house on the Prairie",I was like,"Little house on the Prairie",that's a good idea. 所以昨天晚上我在想该让他们看什么 所以我打开列表 显然我录了《草原小屋》 我想这个不错
My kids started going,no,we've seen every one. 孩子们开始吵着说不要 我们每集都看过了
and then there was one called "Indian boy" or something, 然后有一个叫《印第安男孩》什么的
So I said,daddy's going to do a western.Maybe we'll watch that. 我就说 老爸要拍一部西部片 也许我们可以看看这种
You know because in this movie I'm about to do,I'm raised by indians. 因为我要拍的这部电影里 我是被印第安人抚养长大的
So,they go all right.And I put it on and it immediately starts off with this nice idian man backing away. 他们同意了 我就打开了 立刻就开始播放 一开始是个印第安人在后退
And i was like,oh,no.And my kid goes,why is he backing away? 我心说 糟糕 我孩子就问 他为什么后退啊
And I go,I don't know,maybe someone offered him turkey?he didn't want it. 我说我不知道啊 也许有人给了他火鸡 他不想要
And then they cut to these three guys with guns and then I hear,they're not going to kill him,are they?I go,no. 然后镜头就切换到三个拿着枪的男人 然后我就听到“他们不会要杀了他吧” 我说 不会
Little house on the prairie,no one's going to kill him. 《草原小屋》 不会有人杀了他的
and the next thing I see is his hand on a rock and it kind of shakes.My kid goes,no! 接下来我看到的就是他手放在石头上 有点抖 我的孩子大叫 不