
 Thank you,please,thank you.Why is this socially unacceptable,why? 谢谢大家 好了 为什么这不被社会认同啊

This feels really good. 感觉好棒啊
yeah,it's kind of disturbing for the viewer.I'm sure it's great for you. 对观众来说有点反胃啦 你感觉一定很棒
That never bothered me on this show. 我从不会为此不安
Welcome to the program.We've got a great program tonight,do we not,Andy?We really do,Conan. 欢迎来到节目现场 今晚节目很棒 是吧 安迪 真是的 柯南
There you have it,good night,everybody. 好了 大家晚安
That always bums me out when the crowd applauds the show ending that quickly. 每次观众为节目早结束而鼓掌都让我不爽
That's an excited group there.Glad that's over. 群众情绪激动啊 结束了 太好了
We got good news,after a long drought,We finally got some rain here in Los Angeles. 好消息 经过了漫长的干旱 洛杉矶终于下雨了
Not bad,that's a good thing. 不错啊 这很棒
It's been a tough week for Los Angeles parents because they had to explain to their children what that stuff coming from the sky is. 洛杉矶的家长这周很不容易 他们得向孩子们解释天上落下的东西是什么
No one,kids under 5 have never seen it before. 5岁以下的孩子都没见识过下雨
My kids saw windshield wipers,they were panicked.What are those things,daddy? 我的孩子们看到刮雨器吓坏了 那是什么啊 爸爸
Father,father,what is it,father?That's how Andy's kids talk to him,yeah. 父亲 那是什么 安迪的孩子就这么跟他说话
He's papa.They call you papa,right?papa exactly.Papa,I'm frightened by the moisture,papa. 粑粑 他们管你叫粑粑 没错 粑粑 这湿气让我害怕
Why papa,why?Crazy stuff going on in the real world though. 这是为什么啊 粑粑 现实世界中发生了一些疯狂的事
I don't consider Los Angeles the real world,man,Not at all.One weird town. 我不把洛杉矶当做是现实世界 的确 这是个奇怪的城市