
 The discovery channel is planning to air a show this sunday called "Eaten alive",this is real. 探索频道这周日打算播出一台叫《活吞》的节目 这可是真的

Where a man allow himself to be swallowed whole by a giant anaconda,and then pulled out. 节目中 一男子将自己被一只巨型水蟒吞下 然后再取出来
He allows himself to be swallowed and then they pull him out. 他让自己被吞下去 然后再被拉了出来
This is going to be on,it's insane. 这一定 真是疯狂
It's getting a lot of attention and controversy,some people are saying it's cruelty to animals. 引起了很多关注和争议 有人认为这是虐待动物
But teh network says the snake was not injured. 但电视台称蟒蛇没受到伤害
Folks,I have thought about it.I say this,what's the problem? 我想了一下 我觉得 这有什么不可
I like a good ratings stunt.I think it's fantastic.That's what people like.That's what TV is all about. 我就喜欢这种促进收视率的噱头 我觉得很棒 大家就喜欢这东西 电视不就是为了让大家喜欢吗
Doing what it takes to get people to watch.That's what you do. 不惜一切 让大家看节目 就得这样
Then again,then again,maybe having a snake swallowed,man swallowed by a snake is a bad idea. 但是 或许让蛇吞下 让人被蛇吞下是个坏主意
It's so cheesy,it could backfire and damage the network's brand.That would be bad for everybody. 太俗了 或许会有损电视台的名声 那对大家都没好处
That would be bad news all around.But then I start thinking,screw it.Ratings are ratings! 那毫无好处 但我又想 管他呢 收视率就是收视率啊
Whatever brings in eyeballs to the tube.That's what I say,do what you got to do. 能让大家看的办法就是好办法 我就这观点 使出浑身解数吧
Who wouldn't want to see a man trapped inside the belly of a gigantic beast.It's so freaking cool,that's what you want to see.and that's what you got to see. 谁会不想看到一个人 被困在巨蟒体内啊 太酷了 大家就想看到这个 大家一定要看到
I would kill,I would kill to have an idea like that.something that everybody is talking about,that everybody has to see.Oh my god. 我真是死都想想出这样的点子来 让所有人热议 大家觉得非看不可 哦 天呐