学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 3222 disarray(在线收听

 今天我们要学的词是 disarray.

disarray 的意思是杂乱无章,特别指原计划被打乱。
British Prime Minister Theresa May delayed a critical parliamentary vote on her government's Brexit bill, throwing her plans for the U.K.'s exit from the European Union into disarray. 英国首相特蕾莎·梅推迟英国议会对脱欧法案的关键投票,使得她推动的英国推出欧盟的计划陷入混乱。
Italy's efforts to host a summit on stabilizing Libya is in disarray as organizers failed to confirm whether representatives of the main factions were attending. 由于无法确认利比亚各主要政治派系的代表是否参加,意大利为稳定利比亚局势而组织峰会的努力陷入混乱。