夏说英语新闻晨读 第240期:家家有本难念的经(在线收听

A long-running feud among the family of Singapore's prime minister over the legacy of their father, the country's first leader, has resurfaced. In Facebook posts, two of PM Lee Hsien Loong's siblings accused him of going against their late father Lee Kuan Yew's wishes and abusing his power. The family dispute centers on a legal tussle over a house which belonged to their father. The prime minister, a popular leader, strongly denied all the allegations. But the row has shocked many in the city-state, where the Lees, widely considered Singapore's "First Family", are held in high regard.

Long-running: 旷日持久的
Feud: 世仇
Legacy: 遗产
Resurface: 再次浮出水面
Siblings: 兄弟姊妹
Tussle: 争辩
Deny: 否认
Allegation: 指控
Row: 争吵
