夏说英语新闻晨读 第253期:人工智能老玩家(在线收听

Who is doing groundbreaking research into artificial intelligence right now? Google and its London-based DeepMind division springs to mind. Facebook has hired some of the biggest thinkers in AI. Then there's IBM with its Watson project - and of course China is pouring vast sums into research, as it tries to replace factory workers with robots. But today another contender is shouting out: what about us? Microsoft, the company that dominated the era of desktop computing, is holding an event at which it is showing off its expertise in artificial intelligence, and in effect demanding a bit more respect from the world.

Groundbreaking: 彻底革命性的
Artificial intelligence: 人工智能
Spring to mind: 跃入脑海
Pour: 投入
Expertise: 专业度
In effect: 从效果上说
