夏说英语新闻晨读 第257期:加泰罗尼亚的生活(在线收听

Catalonia has moved a step closer to abandoning the long working hours and protracted lunch breaks that have tested Spaniards'powers of endurance for more than seven decades, by adopting an initiative intended to reset people's work-life balance. On Monday, an alliance of 110 companies, trade unions, educational groups and social activists signed up to a working hours reform pact, which aims to make the working day shorter, more flexible and more compact. Workers in Spain tend to start their day around 9am, break for coffee mid-morning and then work until 2pm. The lunch break lasts two or three hours, after which they return to work until 8pm or later. Such a late finish means that dinner isn’t eaten before 9pm. Add in a couple of hours of TV to help wind down, and people end up going to bed well after midnight.

Catalonia: 加泰罗尼亚
Protracted: 拖延的
Powers of endurance: 忍耐力
Adopt: 采纳措施
Pact: 议案
Wind down: 逐步停止,放松
