夏说英语新闻晨读 第258期:高盛银行两头跑(在线收听

A "significant" Brexit transitional deal should be agreed as soon as possible, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs International has said. This is to stop jobs being moved from the UK to Europe, Richard Gnodde told the BBC. At the moment he is spending money every day putting Brexit contingency plans into action. Goldman Sachs employs 6,500 people in the UK and its Brexit contingency plans involve adding hundreds of staff to their European offices - mainly in Frankfurt and Paris - to ensure they can continue to serve their EU-based customers after the UK leaves the EU. He expects London to remain a very important financial center but said that Frankfurt and Paris were competing hard to woo banks, with Paris in particular more attractive since the election of the business-friendly Emmanuel Macron.

Transitional: 过渡的
Contingency plan: 应急计划
Woo: 招揽
