夏说英语新闻晨读 第259期:Adobe将于2020年停止更新(在线收听

Adobe Flash, a once ubiquitous technology used to power most of the media content found online, will be retired at the end of 2020, the software company announced Tuesday. Adobe – along with Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Mozilla – said support for Flash would ramp down across the internet in phases over the next three years. After 2020, Adobe will stop releasing updates for Flash and web browsers will no longer support it. The companies are encouraging developers to migrate their software on to modern programming standards. In a public letter in 2010, the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs criticized Flash's reliability, security and performance. Since then, other technologies, such as HTML5, have emerged as alternatives to Flash.

Ubiquitous: 普遍存在的
Power: 提供动力
Ramp down: 下调
Web browser: 网页浏览器
Reliability: 可靠性
Alternative: 其他的选择
