夏说英语新闻晨读 第418期:伦敦诺丁山狂欢节(在线收听


Scotland Yard today hailed the Notting Hill Carnival a"safe and spectacular" success as party-goers welcomed a rise in police numbers. More than a million revellers descended on west London for Europe's biggest street party, which took place yesterday and Sunday. Officers imposed stop-and-search orders on both days and installed new "knifearch" metal detectors at key points for the first time after a surge in violence on London's streets. A man who suffered non-life threatening injuries after being stabbed in Ladbroke Grove last night was thought to be the only knife crime victim of the carnival.
Scotland Yard: 伦敦警察厅
hail: vt. 称赞;赞扬
praise: v. 称赞
party-goer: 社交聚会常客
movie-goer: 看电影的人
church-goer: 去教堂的人
theater-goer: 去剧院的人
reveller: 狂欢者;寻欢作乐者
revelv. 狂欢
descend on: 突然到访
stop-and-search: 拦截并搜查
metal detector: 金属探测器
surge: n. 激增
threatening: adj. 危险的
be thought to: 据认为……

