夏说英语新闻晨读 第494期:天后演唱会上的人脸识别(在线收听


A major stadium in Los Angeles has confirmed that it uses facial recognition tech during sport and music events, to spot known troublemakers. The Rose Bowl told news site Gizmodo that it used the tech "inside and outside" the stadium gates. It made the statement after an article in Rolling Stone alleged that Taylor Swift fans were scanned at a pop concert in an effort to spot stalkers. However, the companies involved have been reluctant to talk.

stadium: n. 体育馆
confirm: vt. 证实
facial recognition: 面部识别
spot: vt. 发现
troublemaker: n. 惹事的人
allege: vt. 声称
scan: vt. 扫描
stalker: n. 私生粉;跟踪者
reluctant: adj. 不情愿的
