乔布斯传 第483期:苹果样板店(5)(在线收听

 Johnson arrived at Jobs's office early that Tuesday and told him about his sudden insight that they needed to reconfigure the stores. 周一一大早,约翰逊就来到乔布斯的办公室,告诉丁他那临时冒出的关于重新组织商店格局的新想法。

He had heard tales of his boss's intemperate tongue, but he had not yet felt its lash—until now. Jobs erupted. 他早就听说过他的老板经常会口不择言,极力挖苦,这次他才算是真正领教了。乔布斯爆发了。
"Do you know what a big change this is?" he yelled. “你知道这个变化有多大吗?”他囔道,
"I've worked my ass off on this store for six months, and now you want to change everything!" “我他妈为这个商店玩命干了6个月,你今天才告诉我全部都要改。”
Jobs suddenly got quiet. "I'm tired. I don't know if I can design another store from scratch." 然后他突然安静下来:“我累了,我不知道还能不能从零幵始设计一间商店。”
Johnson was speechless, and Jobs made sure he remained so. 约翰逊无语了,乔布斯也没有再让他开口。
On the ride to the prototype store, where people had gathered for the Tuesday meeting, 在开车去模拟商店(大家已经汇合在那里等着开周二会议)的路上,
he told Johnson not to say a word, either to him or to the other members of the team. 乔布斯告诉约翰逊,一会儿不要跟他或团队的任何成员说话。
So the seven-minute drive proceeded in silence. 于是这7分钟的车程里,两人一直保持沉默。
When they arrived, Jobs had finished processing the information. 当他们抵达时,乔布斯已经把刚才的信息过了一遍。
"I knew Ron was right," he recalled. “我知道罗恩是对的。”他回忆道。
So to Johnson's surprise, Jobs opened the meeting by saying, "Ron thinks we've got it all wrong. 乔布斯作了这样一个令约翰逊惊讶的开场白:“罗恩认为我们错了。
He thinks it should be organized not around products but instead around what people do." 他觉得我们不应该按照产品来划分区域,而是应该考虑到顾客的活动。”
There was a pause, then Jobs continued. "And you know, he's right." 他停顿了一下,继续说,“你们知道,他是对的。”
He said they would redo the layout, even though it would likely delay the planned January rollout by three or four months. 他说他们将重新设计布局,即使这样会把首次展示的时间从原定的1月份再拖延三四个月。
"We've only got one chance to get it right." “我们只能一次成功。”