乔布斯传(MP3+中英字幕) 第484期:苹果样板店(6)(在线收听

 Jobs liked to tell the story -- and he did so to his team that day 乔布斯喜欢向人们讲述故事--那天,他对团队也讲了这些故事,

about how everything that he had done correctly had required a moment when he hit the rewind button. 他所做的每件漂亮事都曾有过返工的时候。
In each case he had to rework something that he discovered was not perfect. 当他觉得不够完美时,就会重来。
He talked about doing it on Toy Story, when the character of Woody had evolved into being a jerk, 他讲到了在制作《玩具总动员》的时候,胡迪这个角色原本是一个令人讨厌的家伙;
and on a couple of occasions with the original Macintosh. 还有麦金塔的制造过程中也出现过一些问题。
"If something isn't right, you can't just ignore it and say you'll fix it later," he said. "That's what other companies do." 他说:“如果你发现有些事做得不对,你不能只是忽略它,然后说‘以后再处理’,这是其他公司的做法。”
When the revised prototype was finally completed in January 2001, Jobs allowed the board to see it for the first time. 苹果样板店终于在2001年1月完成了改装工作,乔布斯首次请董事会前往参观。
He explained the theories behind the design by sketching on a whiteboard; 他先是在白板上向大家讲述了他的设计理念,
then he loaded board members into a van for the two-mile trip. 然后带大家乘面包车前往两英里外的样板店。
When they saw what Jobs and Johnson had built, they unanimously approved going ahead. 在了解了乔布斯和约翰逊建好的商店之后,大家一致批准让项目继续进行。
It would, the board agreed, take the relationship between retailing and brand image to a new level. 董事会认为,看到苹果零售店将把零售和品牌之间的关系提升到一个新的高度。
It would also ensure that consumers did not see Apple computers as merely a commodity product like Dell or Compaq. 同时也能确保消费者不会把苹果电脑看成戴尔或康柏那样的大众化商品。
Most outside experts disagreed. 但大多数外界专家都不看好。
"Maybe it's time Steve Jobs stopped thinking quite so differently," “也许这次乔布斯不再‘非同凡想’了,”
Business Week wrote in a story headlined "Sorry Steve, Here's Why Apple Stores Won't Work." 《商业周刊》发表了一篇题为“抱歉,史蒂夫,这就是苹果零售店无法成功的原因”的文章。
Apple's former chief financial officer, Joseph Graziano, was quoted as saying, 苹果的前首席财务官约瑟夫·格拉齐亚诺的话也被引用到文章中:
"Apple's problem is it still believes the way to grow is serving caviar in a world that seems pretty content with cheese and crackers." “苹果公司的问题就在于,他们仍然认为成长的秘诀是--当这个世界已经格外满定于奶酪和脆饼时,他们应该去卖鱼子酱。”
And the retail consultant David Goldstein declared, 零售顾问戴维·格斯丁也断言道:
"I give them two years before they're turning out the lights on a very painful and expensive mistake." “不出两年他们就会闭门歇业,并为这个错误付出痛苦而沉重的代价。”