乔布斯传 第485期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(1)(在线收听

 Wood, Stone, Steel, Glass 木材,石头,钢铁,玻璃

On May 19, 2001, the first Apple store opened in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, 2001年5月19日,第一家苹果零售店在弗吉尼亚州的泰森角开业了。
with gleaming white counters, bleached wood floors, and a huge "Think Different" poster of John and Yoko in bed. 亮白色的柜台、浅色的木地板,店内还悬挂着一张印有“非同凡想”的巨幅海报,上面是约翰·列侬和小野洋子躺在床上。
The skeptics were wrong. Gateway stores had been averaging 250 visitors a week. 那些怀疑论者估计错了。当初,捷威计算机商店每周的客流量只有250人左右。
By 2004 Apple stores were averaging 5,400 per week. 截至2004年,苹果零售店每周的客流量已经达到了5400人。
That year the stores had $1.2 billion in revenue, 在这一年,苹果零售店的收入达到12亿美元,
setting a record in the retail industry for reaching the billion-dollar milestone. 并因为突破10亿美元量级而创下了零售业的新纪录。
Sales in each store were tabulated every four minutes by Ellison's software, 每家零售店的销量每隔4分钟就会由埃利森的软件汇总成电子表格,
giving instant information on how to integrate manufacturing, supply, and sales channels. 快速地生成关干如何整合制造、供应和销售渠道的信息。
As the stores flourished, Jobs stayed involved in every aspect. 随着零售店越来越受欢迎,乔布斯便开始涉入方方面面。
Lee Clow recalled, "In one of our marketing meetings just as the stores were opening, 李·劳回忆道:“零售店刚开业时,在一次营销会议上,
Steve made us spend a half hour deciding what hue of gray the restroom signs should be." 乔布斯让我们花半个小时的时间决定店内厕所的标志该使用哪一种灰色。”
The architectural firm of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson designed the signature stores, but Jobs made all of the major decisions. 波林·赛温斯基·杰克逊建筑事务所为店面提供设计方案,但是主要方面还是由乔布斯作决定。