
 So, I had issues with this, because I haven't seen a lot of stay-at-home dads before and I thought men would judge me, 所以我又遇到问题了,因为我之前没怎么见过全职奶爸,我觉得男人可能会议论我,

so get this, I said this -- please don't be offended -- I said, "Uh, you know, that sounds boring. 想到这个,我就说--恕我冒犯--我说,“呃,你知道,这听上去很无聊。
And what do stay-at-home moms do all day, anyway?" 你说全职妈妈每天都干些啥?”
She smiled at me a smile only a woman full of knowledge can smile 她冲我笑了笑,这个笑容充满智慧,
and said, "Well, this should be easy for you. And it will save us some money, it seems like a no-brainer." 说,“这对你来说应该很轻松。并且会替我们省下一些钱,对你来说带小孩又不废脑子。”
Fast-forward six months, I'd been a stay-at-home dad for about a week. 半年之后,当我已经做了全职奶爸一周。
I was standing in my bathroom, looking into the mirror crying, tears -- running all down my face. 我在卫生间里对着镜子,哭着,泪流满面--泪流满面。
My one-and-a-half-year-old was banging on the bathroom door 一岁半的那个在砸卫生间的门,
because I locked them out, you know -- crying, tears running down his face. 因为我把他们关在外面,你们懂的--哭得泪流满面。
And my newborn was in the bassinet, crying, tears running down his face. 刚出生的那个在摇篮里,也哭得稀里哗啦。
I looked at myself in the mirror, and I said ... 我看着镜子里的自己,说,
"Which friend can you call to call in a bomb threat? We've got to get out of here." “你能打电话给谁来一个电话炸弹威胁呢?我们必须走出困境。”
See, I had traded my manager for my children. I didn't know what I got myself into. 看见了吧,我把我的领导变成了我的小孩。我真不知道我为啥这样。
I thought I knew everything about being a stay-at-home parent, and in fact, I knew nothing at all. 我以为我懂得怎么做全职奶爸,实际上,我一无所知。
Because even though my manager was -- well, at least my children were a lot cuter than my manager, they were just as demanding. 因为,即使我的领导--当然,至少我的孩子们比领导可爱多了,他们都会一直提要求。