夏说英语新闻晨读 第510期:外太空的电波(在线收听


Something is happening out there, and astronomers sure wish they knew what it was. For the last several years, they have been teased and baffled by mysterious bursts of radio waves from the distant universe: pops of low-frequency radiation, emitting more energy than the sun does in a day, that occur randomly and disappear immediately. Nobody knows when these "fast radio bursts," or F.R.B.s, will occur, or where exactly in the cosmos they are occurring.

astronomer: n. 天文学家
astronaut: n. 宇航员
tease: vt. 捉弄
baffle: vt. 使困惑
mysterious: adj. 神秘的
burst: n. 迅速爆发(pop)
radiation: n. 放射(radio wave)
emit: vt. 释放
cosmos: n. 宇宙(universe)
