
 The pope and Donald Trump voiced their support; Congress granted the baby residence in America. 教皇以及唐纳德·特朗普表示支持;国会授予孩子居住在美国的绿卡。

The ruling, however, stopped these offers being taken up. 然而,法院的裁决阻止了这些提议的采纳。
The case returned to court to examine new evidence about the potential of the therapy, but on July 24th the court heard that,  案件退回到法院去检测关于治疗可能性的新证据,但在7月24日法庭获悉,
after seeing scans of Charlie's brain, Dr Hirano had said he was no longer willing to carry out the treatment, and so Charlie's parents ended their legal fight. 平野道雄(Hinaro)博士曾看到查利的脑部扫描后表示,他不愿意再进行治疗,所以查利的父母结束了他们的法律斗争。
In a statement, GOSH said that Dr Hirano had been invited to examine the baby months earlier but had not done so;  伦敦大奥蒙德街医院在一份声明中表示,早几个月平野道雄博士被邀请来检查婴儿但是并没有履行;
nor had he viewed previous scans, read all of Charlie's notes or the original judgment. 他也没有看以前的扫描,也没有读过查利所有的治疗记录或原判。
Hospital staff have received death threats. 医院工作人员已收到死亡威胁。
Mr Justice Francis lamented the interventions by “those who know almost nothing about this case but who feel entitled to express opinions.” 弗兰西斯法官对那些“对这件事几乎一无所知但又觉得有权发表意见的人”所做的干扰表示不满。
Mike Pence, America's vice-president, had said that Charlie's was “a story of single-payer health care”. 美国副总统麦克彭斯说,查利的说法是“一个付款人的医疗保健的故事”。
He and others decried the judge's decision as evidence of the rationing of care by Britain's state-funded National Health Service. 他和其他人谴责法官的判决就是英国政府资助的国家健康服务定量配给保健的证据。
Yet the judgment was made not on the basis of the cost of the treatment 然而,这种审判并不是基于治疗的费用
which the parents were willing to fund themselves if needed—but on the basis of what was in the interests of a patient who could not decide for himself. (这部分费用是查理父母在需要的情况下自愿筹集的),而是基于一个不能为自己做出决定的病人利益。