
 At the election in June half of all private renters voted for Labour and Jeremy Corbyn, up from a third who supported the party in 2010. 在六月的竞选中,所有私人租房者中的一半将选票投给了工党和Jeremy Corbyn,他们中的三分之一曾在2010年支持过这个政党。

As home-ownership declines, the Conservatives, in particular, are beginning to worry —as indeed they should. 随着住宅自有率下降,保守党开始了他们本来的担心。
What makes Britain's housing squeeze maddening is that, unlike many other problems, something can easily be done about it. 不像其他问题那样,住房问题让人民发狂是因为在这方面有些简单的措施可以做。
Britain needs to get building. 英国需要建设。
The consensus is that, to keep prices in check, it must put up 300,000 houses a year, double what it erected in 2015-16. 人们的共识是,要想保持价格的可控,它必须每年建造30万套住房,这个数量是2015-16年建造房屋数量的两倍。
Mr Corbyn says the answer is a huge expansion of public housing, like the one in the Wilson and Callaghan governments in the 1970s. 科尔宾表示,解决之道是大幅扩张公共住房,就像上世纪70年代威尔逊和卡拉汉的政府一样。
This would be expensive, especially if such housing was let at below-market rates. 这将是很昂贵的,尤其是这类住房在低于市场价出租的情况下。
And few Britons aspire to rent from the council for life. 而且极少数人愿意终生在市政机构租赁房屋。
Better would be to unleash the market. 更好的是释放市场。
A change to regulations on green-belt land, which surrounds cities and which is designed to block construction, is long overdue. 绿化带被设计来包围城市和抑制建筑,改变管理的条例一直延迟长久未兑现。
Far from being a bucolic retreat, much of the green belt is intensively farmed. 并非是田园撤退,大部分的绿化带被密集耕种。
By one estimate, more of Surrey is devoted to golf courses than houses. 一项调查显示,萨里郡的大部分土地被用来建设高尔夫球场而不是房屋。
Within Greater London enough green-belt land languishes to build 1.6m houses at average densities. 由于伦敦有足够多的绿化带,以现有平均房屋密度来看有能力建造160万套房屋。