
 Staying Motivated During a Job Search 在求职过程保持积极

A Monster Guide 一份 Monster 指南
When you set out on your job search, it's rarely possible to guess how long it will go on for. 当你开始了你的求职路,不太可能猜到它会持续多久。
As time passes, the rejections mount up and the budgets get tighter. It's easy to become disheartened. 随着时光流逝,拒绝信逐渐增加,手头越来越紧。很容易变得沮丧。
However, this is exactly the time when you need to dust yourself off and put in more hard work than ever. 然而,这正是你需要重新准备好自己、并比以往投入更多努力的时候。
One of the main attributes of a successful job seeker is persistence. 成功的求职者主要的特质之一就是坚持。
Start as You Mean to Go On 用坚持不懈的精神开始
Instead of getting up late, set your alarm as if you're going to work. 与其睡到很晚才起床,不如将闹钟设成好像你要去上班的时段。
Have a shower and take a walk to get some fresh air in your lungs. 洗个澡,并散个步来呼吸一些新鲜空气到你的肺部。
Set Daily Goals 设定每天的目标
Goals will keep your mind focused on the things that are important, 目标会让你的心志集中在重要的事情上,
and keep you feeling positive about your future. 并让你对未来感到正向积极。
Set Up the Right Environment 设置适当的环境
Make an area in your home, 在家里创造出一个区域,
where you can run your job search with a phone, computer, and everything else you might find in an office. 在那里你可以用电话、电脑、和其他你可能会在办公室里找到的东西来进行你的工作搜寻。
It will help you stay focused on the target. 它会帮助你持续聚焦在目标上。
Eat Right 吃对食物
Make sure you eat lots of fruit and vegetables. 确保你摄取许多水果和蔬菜。
Stay away from fatty foods and try to limit your alcohol intake. 远离油腻食物并试着限制你的酒精摄取量。
A healthy body generally leads to a healthy mind. 健康的身体通常会带来健康的心志。
Create a Support Network 建立支持网络
Forming an alliance with other job seekers will help you share experiences, get advice, and give you an outlet for your inner feelings. 和其他求职者组成同盟会帮助你分享经验、得到建议、给你的内在情绪一个宣泄管道。
Remember the Law of Averages 记得平均法则
The more applications you make, the greater your chances are of finding the job of your dreams. 你丢出越多申请,你找到梦想中工作的机会就越大。
However, resist the urge to blanket bomb every recruiter out there. You need to tailor your CV for each job. 但是,要忍住大规模攻击那里每个招聘人员的冲动。你需要为了个别工作修改你的履历。
Sooner or later, you'll hit the right mark. 迟早你会击中正确的目标。
Enjoy the Process 享受过程
Job hunting is a time of transition and change, and it can also be a very important time for self-development. 找工作是转型和改变的时机,它同样也是自我成长非常重要的时机。
Use this period to reassess your goals. 使用这段时间来重新评估你的目标。
At every stage of your job search, you should look to get feedback. 在你找工作的每个阶段,你应该要期待得到回应。
If you're not getting asked for interviews, then get someone to have a look through your CV. 如果你没有被邀请参加面试,那么就找某人来看过你的履历。
If you're getting into the interview but being rejected there, you should find out what you're doing wrong. 如果你进入面试阶段,但在那被拒绝了,你应要找出你做错什么事。
Fix these, and you'll find yourself in a job in no time. 调整这些,你很快就会发现自己找到工作了。
This guide was brought to you by Monster. 这份指南由 Monster 带给您。
For more advice, jobs, and career tools, visit monster.co.uk. 想要更多建议、工作机会、还有职场工具,请上monster.co.uk。