向前一步:第192期 全能女人是个神话(25)(在线收听

 To this day, I count the hours away from my kids and feel sad when I miss a dinner or a night with them. 直到今天,我还是会计较有多长时间没陪孩子们,一旦错过和他们吃晚餐或是没能在晚上陪伴他们,我都会感到难过。

Did I have to take this trip? 真的一定要出这趟差吗?
Was this speech really critical for Facebook? 这次演讲对脸谱网真有那么重要?
Was this meeting truly necessary? 这次会议到底有没有必要?
Far from worrying about nights he misses, Dave thinks we are heroes for getting home for dinner as often as we do. 戴夫远没有像我这样焦虑,他认为我们能经常回家吃晚饭已经做得很好了。
Compared to his peers, Dave is an exceptionally devoted dad. 和他的同辈人相比,戴夫是个相当顾家的父亲;
Compared to many of my peers, I spend a lot more time away from my children. 而我和同辈人相比,我不在孩子们身边的时候会更多一些。
A study that conducted in-depth interviews with mothers and fathers in dualearner families uncovered similar reactions. 一项对双薪家庭父母的深度访谈揭示了类似的结果:
The mothers were riddled with guilt about what their jobs were doing to their families. The fathers were not. 母亲常常会因为工作对家庭的影响倍感自责,但父亲通常不会。
As Marie Wilson, founder of the White House Project, has noted, "Show me a woman without guilt and I'll show you a man." 正如白宫计划的创始人玛丽·威尔逊所提到的:“如果有人能找到一个没有负罪感的女人,那么我就能向你证明其实她是个男人。”
I know that I can easily spend time focusing on what I'm not doing; like many, I excel at selfflagellation. 我习惯于花时间去想自己没做到什么,和很多人一样,我擅长自虐。
And even with my vast support system, there are times when I feel pulled in too many directions. 即使我可以得到很多支持,但有时候仍觉得事情多得分身乏术。
But when I dwell less on the conflicts and compromises, and more on being fully engaged with the task at hand, the center holds and I feel content. 当我不再那么关注冲突和妥协,而更关注手头的工作时,我就会镇定下来,而且还颇感满足。
I love my job and the brilliant and fascinating people I work with. 我喜欢我的工作,也喜欢那些既有才干又有趣的同事们。
I also love my time with my kids. 当然,我也喜欢和孩子们待在一起。
A great day is when I rush home from the craziness of the office to have dinner with my family 对我来说特别棒的一天应该是这样的:从鸡飞狗跳的办公室冲回去和家人吃顿晚餐,
and then sit in the rocking chair in the corner of my daughter's room with both of my kids on my lap. 然后躺在摇摇椅上,让孩子们爬到我腿上。