乔布斯传 第488期:木材 石头 钢铁 玻璃(4)(在线收听

 Many of Jobs's passions came together for Manhattan's Fifth Avenue store, which opened in 2006: 苹果位于曼哈顿第五大道上的零售店在2006年开业,这家新开张的店面把乔布斯的很多创意激情集结到了一起:

a cube, a signature staircase, glass, and making a maximum statement through minimalism. 立方体、标志性的楼梯、玻璃,并且把简约主义发挥到了极致。
"It was really Steve's store," said Johnson. 约翰逊说:“这是真正的‘乔布斯店’。”
Open 24/7, it vindicated the strategy of finding signature high-traffic locations by attracting fifty thousand visitors a week during its first year. 每天营业24小时,全年无休,开业第一年的客流量就达到每周5万人,这也证明了乔布斯选址在繁华地段的策略是正确的。
(Remember Gateway's draw: 250 visitors a week.) (还记得捷威的客流量吗?每周250人。)
"This store grosses more per square foot than any store in the world," Jobs proudly noted in 2010. 乔布斯在2010年自豪地说:“这家店每平方英尺带来的平均收入比世界上任何一家店都多。
"It also grosses more in total -- absolute dollars, not just per square foot -- than any store in New York. 而且总收入也比纽约的任何一家店要多这是实实在在的美元,还不仅仅是每平方英尺的平均收入。
That includes Saks and Bloomingdale's." 包括萨克斯百货和布鲁明戴尔百货。”
Jobs was able to drum up excitement for store openings with the same flair he used for product releases. 乔布斯还把产品发布会上的那种戏剧性的手法用到了零售店的开业典礼上。
People began to travel to store openings and spend the night outside so they could be among the first in. 人们开始奔走于各个开业典礼,并且整夜在门外排队,就是为了能成为首批进店的人。
"My then 14-year-old son suggested my first overnighter at Palo Alto, “在我14岁儿子的建议下,我在帕洛奥图第一次熬夜排队,
and the experience turned into an interesting social event," 这成了当时一项有趣的社会活动。”
wrote Gary Allen, who started a website that caters to Apple store fans. 为苹果零售店的粉丝们开设了一个网站的盖瑞·艾伦写道。
"He and I have done several overnighters, including five in other countries, and have met so many great people." “我们熬过好几次夜,还有5次在其他国家,我们还遇到了很多很棒的人。”