
 I read a study yesterday. It said that last year, more than half of us actually chose not to take our full vacations from our jobs. 我昨天读了一篇研究。上面显示去年,我们之中超过一半的人竟然选择不远离工作把自己的假期用完。

Question: Don't you think it's crazy that so many of us go into work even when we don't need to be there? 问题是:你不觉得我们之中这么多人就算不需要也还是要去工作很疯狂吗?
Times we could be on the beach buried in sand or traveling the earth, 我们可以待在沙滩上被埋在沙里或环游世界的时光,
we spend it in the office, traveling from desk to desk, buried in paperwork. 我们把它耗在办公室里,环游在办公桌间,被文件资料掩埋。
See, in this chaotic world, everything goes so fast. 瞧,在这纷乱的世界里,一切都进行得如此快速。
We're so busy—seems like everyone's middle name is "Multitask." 我们如此忙碌--就好像每个人的中间名都是“一心多用”。
But now, now before you go and act all holier-than-thou, 但现在,在你表现得自以为高人一等前,
how many extra tabs do you have open on your computer right now? 你的电脑上目前开着几个多余的分页?
See, we all need time to get away from the race, for our family, friends, for the sake of our mental state, 听着,我们都需要时间来从这竞赛中逃离,为了我们的家人、朋友,为了我们自己的心灵,
time to rewind, recharge, and reconnect—not reporting to the office on emails that should be on redirect. 我们需要倒带、重新充电还有重新连结的时间--而不是花时间回覆办公室那些应该要被转寄出去的邮件。
Because life, ladies and gentlemen, is all about moments. 因为人生,女士和先生们,全是关于各个时刻。
No one in history has ever been able to hold on to one—not a single soul. 历史上从未有人能够紧握一个时刻--没有任何人。
And you never get them back. 而且你永远无法重拾那些瞬间。
See, there one goes! No do over, no rewind, no DVD root menu to skip to a previous scene. 你瞧,那里消失一个了!不能重做、不能倒带、没有 DVD 选单可以跳回前一幕。
Ask yourself, How many trips did you almost take? 问问你自己,你几乎踏上了多少旅途?
How many sights have you almost seen? How many moments have you lost thinking about the next one? 你差点就看见了多少风景?你遗失了多少时刻,思考着下一刻?
Thinking that once you get this or get there, maybe that will be the best one? 想着一旦你得到了这个或去到了那里,或许那会是最棒的?
Life has taught me that all we will ever have is "now." 人生教会我,我们始终能拥有的就是“现在”。
But let me be perfectly clear, I'm not saying to quit your job, even though I know you deserve a six-month vacation, twice a year. 但让我说清楚,我不是说要辞掉你的工作,即便我知道你们值得放一个六个月的长假,一年放两次。
But how about small steps? Short trips with long dances, no distractions. 但踏出小小几步如何呢?享受美好时光的小旅行,没有让人分心的事物。
Spend time with family instead of coworkers, meditation instead of aggravation. 花时间陪伴家人而非同事、花时间沉思而非气恼。
Replace our screensavers with sunrises, Palm Pilots with palm trees, jammed copy machines with 用日出景色取代我们的荧幕保护程式、用棕榈树取代掌上型电脑、卡纸的影印机用
- man,I really hate jammed copy machines. - 老天,我真的超讨厌卡纸的影印机。
The most precious thing we have in life are moments. 我们在人生中所拥有最宝贵的事物就是各个时刻。
Let's make the most of them before they disappear. 让我们在它们消逝前好好利用它们。
Let's see the world while we still can and cherish those while they're still here. 让我们在还有能力时好好看世界,并在那些人事物还存在这时好好珍惜他们。
Because when our lives are almost over, it won't matter how much money we made, or hours we worked, or times we got Employee of the Month. 因为在我们的人生几乎走到尽头时,我们赚了多少钱,或我们工作了几个小时,或我们得到了几次当月最佳员工都不重要。
What we will look back on are the memories we made, the hours we spent with those we loved, 我们会回顾的是我们创造的回忆、我们和所爱的人度过的时光,
and were we Father of the Month, Mother of the Year, Friend of a Lifetime. 以及我们是不是当月模范父亲、年度模范母亲、一生最佳好友。
Holidays should be a time where we go away and come together. 假期应该是个我们出走并聚首的时光。
From now on, let's take our whole vacation and be fully present—creating memories that will last forever. 从现在起,让我们好好把握所有假期并彻底享受--创造出永不消逝的回忆。