早安英文 第450期:英语好的人都是用这些small talk来缓解尴尬的(在线收听

 We talk about the weather if it's good, if it's bad, if its average, if it's anything!
So when bringing up this topic you can say something like "Oh it's so windy out, I nearly blew over!" or "if it keeps raining like this we're going to all need boats!"

Yes, everyone loves to talk about places they've visited or would like to visit! You can bring this up in several ways such as "I would love a holiday this month, I've been so busy, have you been anywhere nice this year?"
And if they start talking politics, just don't make any awkward comments and change the subject fast, say something like "So what do you get up to in your spare time?"
So when I came back from the U.K some of my Chinese friends told me I had gained weight!
