打工姐妹花第二季 第68期:把信用卡收起(在线收听

 Max. Darius told me what you did and that was awful nice of you. 麦克斯。小达跟我说了你们的做的事,太有心了。

Now, here. I am reimbursing you for all of the clothes and for that damn puppet. 给,我要还你那些衣服以及那个白痴玩偶的钱。
Although I swore I would never pay for beaver. 即使我曾经发过誓,绝不花钱买海狸。
Do you think he'll ever make it, Earl? 你觉得他会成功吗,厄尔?
Who's to say nowadays, Max? America's got talent. Do they? 现在这年头,谁说的准啊?美国达人,真有咩?
All I know is he's my kid, and you went out of your way to try and help him. 我只知道他是我的孩子,而你特别费心地努力去帮他。
Well, I just wanted you to be proud. 我想你能以儿为傲嘛
I am, Max. Very proud. 麦克斯,我十分以你为傲
I just talked to VISA. I think they were disappointed they had pre-approved us. 我跟信用卡公司通了电话。他们可能挺后悔预先核准了我们的卡。
Look, I killed it. I had to. It was telling me to buy a Harley. 我剪卡了,不剪不行啊。它在引诱我去买台哈雷摩托车。
Okay, open dialogue. I used the credit card for one more thing yesterday. 开诚布公地说。我昨天用信用卡又买了件东西。
Open dialogue. So did I. 开诚布公地说,我也是
It's the fanciest lipstick Payless had. And here. 这是平价商店里,最好的口红了。给。
Max, are there lizards in that bag? I wish. 麦克斯,袋子里不会是蜥蜴吧?我倒希望。
They're as good as new and no bows. Max, where'd you find a cobbler? 跟新的一样,还没有蝴蝶结。麦克斯,你上哪找的补鞋匠?
A cobbler? I took a time machine. 这年头哪有补鞋匠?我是坐了时光机回过去。
I was supposed to kill Hitler, but I thought your shoes were more important. 本该去宰了希特勒的,但想到你的鞋子更重要就没去了。
Okay, let's cut up your card. 来,剪了你的卡吧。
We should keep one for business emergencies. 还是得留着一张,以防生意急需吧。
We just have to have to put it someplace where we'll never be tempted to reach for it. 放到一个我们永远也不会想去碰的地方就行了。
Oleg, would you put this down your pants? No problem. 奥列格,能把这个收你裤裆里吗?没问题。