打工姐妹花第二季 第69期:免费无线网络(在线收听

 Look at all these people just sitting here and not tipping, working on their computers. 瞧瞧这些人,也不给小费,就会坐在那里啪啪啪地玩电脑。

This guy has a brand-new Apple. 这家伙有一台全新的苹果电脑。
I've been eating the same apple for a week. I blame Steve Jobs. 而老娘同一个苹果啃了快一周。都怪史蒂夫·乔布斯。
These people are more like Steve-I-have-no-jobs. All right, that's it. 这些人更像是"史蒂夫·没工作吧"。好吧,真是够了。
Earl, I need to get the wireless router. 厄尔,给我无线路由器。
Oh, is that what this is? I thought it was a cookie-warmer. 原来那玩意是干这个的啊?我还以为是饼干加热器呢。
Attention deadbeat diners. 听着,你们这些蹭网客
You can't just sit here all night and only order coffee. This is not a Starbucks. 你们不能点杯咖啡,就赖一整晚。这又不是星巴克。
And I know that because we don't sell Norah Jones cds or bananas. 而且一看我们这里不卖诺拉·琼斯的CD或是香蕉就知道。
This is the router for the free wi-fi. 这是能提供无线网络的路由器。
And that is a waitress who needs to make some tips. 而这位是需要挣点小费的服务员。
Seriously, guys, I need actual cash. This guy just offered to pay me in ideas. 说真的,伙计们,我要的是钞票。那家伙居然想用创意来付账。
If I pull this plug, the internet will go down. 如果我拔掉这个插头,网络就会没掉。
And you -- that sad email you're in the middle of writing to your ex-boyfriend, 而你,写给前男友的可怜兮兮电邮会没掉,
the one you shouldn't send anyway--gone. 反正你也不应该发给他。
And you -- That vaguely pornographic anime film you've been illegally downloading for the past three hours-gone. 而你,花费了三小时非法下载的色情动漫,也会没掉。
And you--that screenplay you've been writing, 而你,埋头写的破剧本,
you can keep working on it, but we all know how it ends: 你可以继续写,不过我们都知道结局
with you moving back in with your mother. 就是你搬回去跟你老妈住。
Now, who's gonna order? 现在谁想点餐呀
Great, I'll go get some menus. Here, Caroline, put this back. 很好,我去拿菜单。给,卡洛琳,把这个放回去。
Ooh, my cookie-warmer. 可惜了我的饼干加热器。