打工姐妹花第二季 第71期:两个'白痴'(在线收听

 Okay, I'm over being jealous of them. 好了,我现在不羡慕她们了。

Still? What are they... Sitting on vibrators? 还在笑,她们干嘛呢,都夹着根电动棒吗?
Let it go. They're not having that good of a time. 别管她们了。她们才没那么爽呢。
No, Max, we're not having that good of a time. All we do is work. 不,麦克斯,是我们没那么爽。我们只能埋头工作。
When's the last time we took a day and just had fun? 上次不上班出去玩是什么时候的事了?
I mean, those two idiots remind me how much fun it was when I'd go out to lunch 那两个白痴让我想起以前我跟闺蜜下馆子边吃午饭
and have cocktails with my girlfriends and watch them pretend to eat. 边喝鸡尾酒,看着她们假装吃饭的好时光。
I think you're talking about day-drinking. And I think I like it. 你是想找我白天喝酒吧。我喜欢。
All right, let's do something fun. 好吧,那我们得好好玩玩。
I'll put on my bolo tie and my best vest and take my girl out to eat. 我会系上领带,穿上帅气背心,然后带我的妞下馆子。