打工姐妹花第二季 第75期:来到糖果店(在线收听

Hi. We thought the sign said you were closed. 你好。我们看到牌子,还以为你关门了呢。

Yeah, I turned it around. I wanted you guys to come in. 对,我翻过来了,我想你们进来。

Come with me, and you'll be in world of pure imagination 跟我来,你将置身于梦想中的世界。

If this isn't your thing, I also have some sabbath and some beastie boys. 如果你们不喜欢这歌,我还有些重金属和朋克音乐。

So, if this is "Candy Andy's sweets and treats," are you Candy Andy? 如果这里是"糖果安迪的糖果盛宴",请问你是糖果安迪吗?

Oh, please. We hardly know each other. Call me Candrew Andrew. 拜托,我们还不熟。请叫我糖德鲁·安德鲁。

I'm Caroline, and this is Max. Max, say something. 我是卡洛琳,她是麦克斯。麦克斯,说话啊。

Can't. It's all too wonderful. Look at all the candy crammed in this little space. 失语中,这一切太美好了。瞧瞧这小地方塞满了糖果。

It's like we're inside Willy Wonka's colon. 我们仿佛来到了威利·旺卡的结肠。

Thanks. Yeah, it's kind of the look I was going for too. 谢谢。没错,我就是想要这种效果。

And I know it's accurate because I had the Oompa Loompas help me. 我之所以布置得这么到位,是因为有奥柏伦柏人帮我。

They were expensive, but what are you gonna doom-pa-dee-doo? 他们工钱很高,但你能怎么办呢?

Normally I'd ring the bell after something that golden, but I don't want to scare you. 通常成交或者做完事,我会按一下铃,但我不想吓着你。

Well, now I have to hear the bell. Now that's all I want to hear. 你说完,没听到我会好奇死的。这下我心愿达成了。

Do you do free samples? You do, by the way. 你这里提供免费试吃吗?看样子是有。

Let me hook you guys up. On the house. 我带你们都尝尝,免费的。

Marry this guy right now. 快嫁给他。

It's a small store. I can hear you. 这家店很小,我能听见哦。

Good. Moves things along faster. 很好,这样你们进展能快点。

Hey, come by the Williamsburg diner sometime. We work there. 有空来威廉斯堡餐厅坐坐。我们在那里打工。

We'll give you free samples of food. You shouldn't have to pay for anyway. 我们免费请你试吃压根不值得付钱的餐。
