打工姐妹花第二季 第77期:大吐特吐(在线收听

 Boston baked beans? Didn't know they weren't real beans till I was 20. 波士顿闷烤豆?我到20岁才知道他们是真的豆子。

Please stop. Is it cold in here? 别说了。这里面是不是有点冷啊?
Is it hot and cold in here? Max, I feel weird. 这里是不是又冷又热啊?麦克斯,我有种怪怪的感觉。
Relax, it's just your lady parts waking up from hibernation. 别紧张,是你的"小妹妹"在从冬眠中醒来。
Again, small store. Can hear everything. 店小,都听得见哟。
I am so sorry. Pardon me. Oh, uh, are you okay? 对不起,请见谅。你没事吧。
I'm fine. Max, I am not fine. I'm gonna be sloppy Joanne in about two seconds. 我没事。麦克斯,我有事。再两秒我就要成"邋遢乔安"了。
Tiny, tiny store. Do you need to use the... 店真的很小。你要用...
No. We're fine. We'll just be going. Nice to meet you. 不必不必,我们挺好。我们要先走了,再见。
Nope, I'm not gonna make it. Where is the... Right ... right there. 不行,来不及了,洗手间在...就在那边。
I'm sure she'll be all right. 她肯定没事的。
I'm just gonna step outside. The sound of someone throwing up makes me... 我先去外面站会。听到呕吐声让我也想...
Oh, dude, I've been trying to not throw up this whole time. 我刚也忍着不跟着吐很久了。
Whew, what happened there, right? Feeling better? 刚里边是发生了什么事了呀?你好点了吗?