打工姐妹花第二季 第79期:糖果店老板来邀请(2)(在线收听

 The candy man came with invitations to a party at his store. 糖果男来邀请我们去参加他店里的派对哟。

What, you think I wasn't listening at the door? 你觉得我有可能不偷听你们对话吗?
I heard everything. All the vomit jokes. I heard them all. 我全听到了。挖苦我呕吐的话,也都听见了。
Jewelry, already? Your new husband likes to throw the cash around. 都送我珠宝首饰啦?你的新老公喜欢四处撒钱啊。
He is not my new husband. And now he never will be. Ooh, bubble tape. 他才不是我的新老公。也没机会了。泡泡糖带呢。
I finally meet an adorable, sweet guy. 好不容易遇见了可爱嘴甜的男人
A guy so sweet, the word "sweet" is next to his name on actual real estate. 他甜到都有一家,"甜"与他名字合一的店了。
And I completely destroy any chance I have with him. 但机会全都被我自己搞砸了。
You didn't destroy anything. 你什么都没搞砸啊。
And it's good to let him know right off the bat that you have a gag reflex. 而且让他一开始就知道你容易"反胃想吐"也好。
Oh! Oh, that's lovely. Happy Valentines' day. 承您吉言啊。祝你情人节快乐好吧。
I am not going to that party. I can never see him again. 我死也不去那个派对。我没脸再见他了。
Well, do you mind if I still go? Being in a candy store after midnight is on my bucket list. 那你会介意我去吗?在糖果店里待到午夜过后是我死前愿望之一呢。
Funny, I thought that was the impossible one. 我以前还以为这是最不可能的一条呢。
You should go. Have fun. 你去吧,玩得开心点。
I think you're missing out, because you two are perfect for each other. You're like Hansel and Gretel. 不去会损失很大哦,你们俩可是天生一对。像童话《糖果屋》里的男女主。
They were brother and sister. So? 他们是兄妹好吗。那又怎样?