打工姐妹花第二季 第80期:安迪的过往(在线收听

So, no Caroline, huh? 卡洛琳不来啊?

Uh, no. She couldn't make it. 她来不了。

Well, I'm feeling very sad, but you'll never know it. 我好伤心啊,但你绝对看不出。

You're fine. You don't seem to be short on other female party guests. 没事的啦。你的派对也不缺美女。

Oh, come on. They're fiends. 她们就只是朋友啦。

Some of them I know from the neighborhood. Some I worked with on Wall Street. 有些是附近住户。有些是我在华尔街的老同事。

Wall Street? Did you have a little candy tray you walked around with? 华尔街啊?你以前推糖果小车在那一带叫卖吗?

I wish. That would have been awesome. 我倒想。那肯定很有意思。

I was stuck in an office pushing stock in pharmaceutical companies. 我以前就坐在办公室里替制药公司搞股票。

Wait. You know people who have access to pills? 等等。你还认识能搞到"药"的人啊?

And just when I thought you couldn't get any better. 你棒得都要无极限了。

Yeah, one day, I went into the firm, and there was no firm. 然后,有天我去上班,发现没班上了。

Bankrupt. Boom. End of job, no money. Nothing. 公司破产。没工作,没钱,全没了。

And after I drank nonstop for a week, I figured, hey, now I can do what I've always dreamed of. 我连喝了一周闷酒后,灵光一闪,发现自己终于可以追梦了。

Open a candy store, be my own boss. 开家糖果店,当自己的老板。

So I used all my savings and opened up this place. 我花光积蓄,开了这家糖果店

And pretty soon, Candy Andy will rule the world of sweets and treats. That sound braggy? 要不了多久,糖果安迪将一统糖界天下。会太臭屁吗?

No. All right, kick everybody out, and let's go back to my place. 不会。好啦,赶其他人回家吧,然后跟我回家去。

Ah...Max, no offense, but I'm more into your friend. 麦克斯,无意冒犯,但我喜欢的是你朋友。

Um, Andy, no offense, but I'm more into the candy than the Andy. 安迪,无意冒犯,但我喜欢的是你的糖果。

I want you to come to my apartment and say hey to Caroline. 我想你来我家跟卡洛琳打个招呼。

I was right. You two are perfect for each other. 我之前说的没错。你们两个是天生一对。

Yeah? I mean, it would be nice to hang with her in pants I don't care about. 真的吗?反正这裤子也不沾到呕吐物,趁机去找她也挺好。
