打工姐妹花第二季 第81期:给你个惊喜(在线收听

 She's not here. She must have taken the horse for a walk. 她不在家。可能是去遛马了。

Wait, you have a horse. And I'm just hearing about this now? 等等,你们有马啊。你们居然不炫耀?
I have a candy store and it's out of my mouth, in the first 30 seconds. 我只是开家糖果店,就在初见30秒内炫耀了。
Be right back. I have to pee. 稍等一下,我尿个尿。
She'll be okay with me being here, right? 她不会介意我来这里的吧?
Yeah, she was just embarrassed. She'll get over it. 没事的,她羞愧而已。会过去的。
What are you doing? Knock first! 你干嘛呢,先敲门呀!
Why are your legs up in the air like that? 你双腿怎么开在空中啊?
And why were you holding the shower head down by your- oh! 还有你为什么还把莲蓬头放到你下...
I'm sorry. I thought you'd be home feeling bad for yourself, not feeling your bad self. 抱歉抱歉。我以为你会在家自怨自艾,而不是自爽自嗨。
What are you doing home already? Why aren't you at the Candy Andy party? 你怎么这么早回家了?你不是去糖果店的派对吗?
Oh, don't look at me like that. It's not like I'm the only person in the world who masturbates. 少用那鄙视的眼神。搞得好像全世界只有我一个人会自慰。
Also, Andy's here. 对了,安迪来了哦。
We wanted to surprise you. 我们想给你个惊喜。
But then you surprised us. 你倒是给了我们个惊喜。