打工姐妹花第二季 第85期:怀疑安迪是同性恋(在线收听

 Oh, baby. Look who's a half hour late for work. 小宝贝。瞧瞧是谁上班迟到了半小时。

Must have been a pretty hot date with the candy man. 想必是跟糖果男约会得太火热哦。
So did you touch his whatchamacallit? 你有碰到他"那话儿"吗?
Did you bring him to almond joy? 他有碰到你的"杏仁尖"吗?
His butterfingers got nowhere near my mounds. 他的黄油糖指就没接近过我的"投手丘"。
Now, if we could be adults for a second... 我们可以像成年人说话了吗...
Well, your mounds are more like sno-caps, but continue. 你的"投手丘"更像是"锥子糖",不过继续说。
Well, nothing happened. Even after four hours of me breathing heavily and saying... 什么都没有发生。甚至在我连续四小时呼吸急促地说...
"I'm having a really good time". "我真的玩得很开心哦"。
Look, I don't want to be this girl, but I think... think he might be gay. 我真的不想说这种话,但我觉得他可能是同性恋。
He's gay because he's not turned on by four hours of coffee breath? 就因为你连续四小时的口臭攻势没有挑逗成功,他就是同性恋吗?
What's up? 怎么了?
I'm having a really good time. 我真的玩得很开心哦。
I must go to the men's room right now. 我得立刻去一趟洗手间了。
That proves nothing. Oleg is always looking for an excuse to put it somewhere. 那完全不代表什么。奥列格总是在找理由来"乱插"。
Why do you think we don't serve bagels anymore? 不然我们也不用停止供应面包"圈"了?