打工姐妹花第二季 第87期:两个阿米什人(在线收听

 And if you think your life sucks now, it just got worse. 如果现在你觉得人生很悲剧,那刚才又加剧了。

Look, a new hipster strain. Ironic Amish. 瞧,新品种的嬉皮士。讽刺的阿米什人。
No way. I'm taking care of these two butter churners right now. 不行,我要亲自出马收拾这两个搅屎棍。
Look, I'm telling you what I told Mumford and Sons, get out. 我重复一遍我对某民谣摇滚乐队说的话,滚出去。
Go. Go, you hipster amish wannabes. 走啊。走啊,你们两个想装阿米什人的嬉皮士。
But we really are amish. 可我们真的是阿米什人啊。
Yes, we're here on rumspringa. 是啊,我们是来体验社会的。
And I'm here on a little bit of vodka. 而我是来耍点小酒疯的。
It's sort of like what you might call spring break. 我们体验社会就类似你们的"春假"。
We get to leave the ways of the Amish and experience the modern world. 我们可以脱离阿米什人的生活方式,来体现下现代世界的活法。
Well, I beggeth thy forgiveness. Haveth a seat-eth in the booth-eth. 我恳请你们见谅。有请两位客人上雅座稍候。
Have a seat in the booth. 找个卡座坐吧。
Earl, I got two amish in my booth. 厄尔,有两个阿米什人坐在我的卡座耶。
Well, you let them know right up front that we don't accept travelers checks or livestock. 你得先跟他们声明结账不能用旅行支票和牲口。
So Amish, huh? 你们是阿米什人啊?
Yes, ma'am. From pennsylvania. 是的,女士,来自宾夕法尼亚州
"Ma'am"? You know what, that's kind of hot. "女士"?这称呼还蛮带劲的。
I always thought I'd have to wait 20 more years to be a cougar, but, rawr, here I am. 我总是觉得我得再等个20年才能成为欲望主妇,但现在惊觉,我要变身了。
Why don't I bring you boys some coffee, on me? 不如给你们俩上杯咖啡吧,我请客。
We can't drink coffee, ma'am. Coffee is the devil in a cup. 我们不能喝咖啡,女士。咖啡是杯子里的魔鬼。
We can do whatever we want, Jacob, we're in new york. 我们想干嘛就干嘛,雅各布,现在可是在纽约。
Yeah, Jacob. Listen to, uh -- Jebediah. For real? 对啊,雅各布,你就听...杰巴达亚。真的假的?
Did you see the size of her nursers? 你看到她那对"奶瓶"有多大吗?