打工姐妹花第二季 第88期:两个阿米什人(2)(在线收听

 Those guys are for real Amish. 那俩家伙是真的阿米什人。

I love the amish culture. 我爱他们的文化。
You love every culture. You salute the flags at IHOP when we walk by. 你什么都文化都爱。你连煎饼屋的旗帜都致敬呢。
Oh, my God. That's it. Max, question. What are the Amish known for? 天啊,我想到了。麦克斯,问你个问题。阿米什人因什么而闻名?
Oh, no. It's sixth grade all over again. Just give me an "F" and move on. 不是吧,重演小学六年级的桥段。就直接给我个"不及格"吧。
Barns. They build barns, and we... 马棚,他们很会建造马棚...
We need a barn for chestnut. 而栗宝需要个马棚
Come on. And let me do the talking. I am very good at manipulating young boys. 跟我来,我负责讲话。我非常擅长摆布小男孩。
I once got a ten-year-old I was babysitting to buy me a box of pop-tarts with his allowance. 有次我给一个10岁的小孩当保姆,我让他乖乖拿出零用钱,给我买了一盒甜点。