打工姐妹花第二季 第89期:住进姐妹的家(在线收听

 So this is our place. Not much, but... 这就是我们的公寓,地方不大...

You have so many possessions. Are you rich, ma'am? Yes. 你们有那么多东西。女士,你是不是有钱人?是的。
And I have to say, this "Ma'am" Thing is still working for me. 不得不说,那声"女士"仍然让我心驰荡漾啊。
Um, okay, Jacob. That's enough with the lights. 雅各布,别玩电灯了。
There will be plenty of time for fun with electricity tomorrow, but it's late. 明天会有很多时间,可以好好体验电力,但现在很晚了。
Let's discuss sleeping arrangements. 我们来安排怎么睡吧
You two can sleep out here, and Max and I will sleep in her bed. Does that work for you? Okay. 你们俩在外面睡,我和麦克斯睡她的床。可以吗?可以。
Oh, sorry. I left my bra. 抱歉,我忘了拿走我的胸罩了
Your-your b-b-bra? 你的胸胸胸,罩?
Jacob, stop acting like a child. I'm sorry about him. 雅各布,别跟个小孩一样。我真替他脸红。
Don't be. At least it was her bra. Mine would have killed the kid. 大可不必。还好是她的胸罩。如果是我的,那孩子早挂了。
So I was thinking we could drive our truck to my uncle's lumberyard in the morning and get the wood for the barn. 我想着明早可以开车去我叔叔的贮木场,弄些木材回来做马棚。
Okay, but there seems to be plenty of wood right here. Oh, hello. 好啊,不过似乎这里也有根"硬木"啊。注意点好吗?
Don't be embarrassed, Jacob. It's perfectly natural when you're exposed to new things. 不要觉得丢人,雅各布。当你接触新鲜事物时,这是自然反应。
The first time I saw a picture of those fat twins on scooters, I was hard for days. 我第一次见到小摩托上的胖双胞胎照片时,也性奋了好几天呢。
Why don't you two go outside and play with the horse? Okay. 你们俩何不出去跟栗宝玩?好的。
And thank you for letting us stay at your place. Your home is dope. 谢谢你们让我们住在这里。你们家酷毙了。
You don't even know what that means, Jebediah. 你都不知道那个词是什么意思,杰巴达亚。
It's hipster talk, Jacob, and it's awesome. 嬉皮士就这么说,雅各布,超棒的。