打工姐妹花第二季 第94期:齐聚酒吧(在线收听

 How weird running into you guys here. 在这里偶遇你们真是太巧了。

My favorite bar that I come to all the time just 'cause. 这是我最爱的酒吧,我常无来由的就想来这呢。
Hi, Andy. These guys are our friends. 安迪,他们这是我们的朋友。
We're Amish. Awesome band name. 我们是阿米什人。这乐团名不错。
Why did you bring them? 你带他们俩来干嘛?
I was afraid to leave them home. Sophie was running out of things to break in her apartment. 我不敢把他们留在家里嘛。苏菲家都快没东西可以故意砸烂了。
So what are you guys drinking? Beer. Shut it, Jacob, or I will smite thee. 你们想喝什么呢?啤酒。雅各布,敢乱说我劈死汝。
Wait, uh, I'll go with you. 等等,我跟你一起去。
FYI, I'm leaving with the redheads In five minutes. 五分钟后没进展,我就跟红发情侣走。
Hi, can I get a pitcher of tap, please? 能给我们来一扎啤酒吗?
Would you like to dance, Caroline? 卡洛琳,你想一起跳舞吗?
Oh, thank you. But that is so not my thing. 谢谢邀请,但我才不干那种事。
And besides, that's not so much a dance floor as an STD mosh pit. Awesome. 而且,那里根本不算舞池,是性病混合池吧。好棒。