打工姐妹花第二季 第95期:安迪的担心(在线收听

 So she called you, right? 她打给你了对吧?

I saw her talking on the phone using lots of hand gestures. 我看到她打电话,还配了一堆手势。
I figured it was about how bad the date is. 肯定是在说这约会糟透了吧。
Okay, I'm going to try and put this as politely as I can, but what the hell is wrong with you? Make a move. 我尽量用文明点的词汇跟你说,但你他娘的是猪啊?对她下手啊。
Max, I really like her, but... 麦克斯,我真的很喜欢她,但...
What is the but? 但是怎样?
But she's Caroline Channing. 她可是卡洛琳·钱宁啊。
And you're Andy something. So? 你也是安迪·啥啥不是吗?
Yeah, I'm Andy something who owns a small candy store, and she was practically a princess. 我就只是开间小糖果店的安迪·啥啥,而她算得上是公主了。
Was. Was a princess. Now she has five pairs of underwear and hasn't done laundry in eight days. 那是以前,以前是公主。现在她穷得只剩五套内衣裤,但她八天没洗衣服了。
Max, honestly, I mean, I use those stupid emojis to buy time to figure out what I wanted to say. 我老实说,我用表情符号回复她是拖延时间,想好我想对她说的话。
That's why emojis exist. So guys like me don't have to say, "I'm not good enough. I sell gum." 表情符号作用就是在此。像我这样男人就不用亲口说出,"我配不上你,我是个卖口香糖的"。
She's the same girl you met in your candy store. 她就是你在店里遇到的那个女孩。
No, she's not. That was just a regular, pretty Williamsburg girl. 不,她不是。当时她只是个普通的漂亮威廉斯堡女孩。
Now, she's refined, rich Caroline Channing. 现在她是文雅多金的卡洛琳·钱宁。
He thinks you're rich and refined. It's a real boner blocker. What? 她觉得你多金又文雅。害他不知如何下"鸟"。什么?
He found out who you were, and he's intimidated. 他知道了你的真实身份,他吓着了。
You have to act cheap and unrefined. It's the only way. 你得表现的廉价又粗俗。没别的招了。
Here we go. I also ordered you guys some nachos. 来吧。我还帮你们点了脆饼吃。
No jalapenos. I know that's the devil's garnish. 没放墨西哥辣椒。我知道那是魔鬼的调味料。
Great, nachos. They're so low-rent like me. 太好了,玉米脆饼。跟我一样廉价易得。
But first, I'm going to chug some draft beer like I always do. 但我现在要先跟平常一样大口灌点生啤。
And now I'm gonna freak-dance. Slut, party of one. 现在我要去骚女"乱舞"了。骚货即将光临舞池。
Come on, Jacob. I'm going to tear that ass up. Y-y-you are? 来吧,雅各布,姐要好好宠幸你。真的吗?
See? That's not special at all. 你看,她一点也不特别。
Oh, my God! Call the paramedics. I danced an Amish boy to death. 天啊!快叫医护人员啊。我让阿米什男孩爽死了。