打工姐妹花第二季 第99期:给安迪看杂志(在线收听

 Hey, Andy. Hi, candy. 你好,安迪。你好,糖果。

Did you see it? Did you see the new Martha Stewart Living? 你看到了吗?你看了新一期的《玛莎生活杂志》了吗?
Oh, sorry, no. I still have to get through my Glamour and Modern Bride. 抱歉,没有。我还没看完本期《魅力》跟《新娘》女性杂志呢。
And I had sisters, so I'm allowed to know those names. 我有姐姐,所以知道那些杂志名不为过。
"A Williamsburg must-have." Nice. "威廉斯堡必尝好滋味"。不错啊。
You know I feel the same way about you. 我一直觉得你也是。
Aw, cute, but it really doesn't mean anything unless it's in a blurb. 真会说话,不过除非上了报章杂志不然不算数。
I couldn't wait to show this to you. I'm so glad you were here late doing inventory. 我都等不及要拿给你看呢。真庆幸你还在这里加班整理存货。
Yeah, you know, it's the weirdest thing. 是啊,说来也怪。
The only thing I can't account for is one missing Elvis Pez dispenser, Max. 我唯一不知道去哪里的就是一个猫王的糖果盒,麦克斯。
Um, I don't know what you're talking about, but... Thank you very much. 我不知道你在说什么,但...非常感谢。
Can we please get back to the blurb? 我们能回到宣传这个话题吗
Sorry. You're right. I should have made a bigger deal about it. 抱歉,你说得对。我应该更重视这件事。
It's just I've been a little freaked out. We had some big drama here today. 只是我有点被吓到了。这里今天发生了件大事。
Drama in a candy store? 小糖果屋能发生什么"大事"?
Did the yogurt-covered craisins finally realize how stupid they are and commit mass suicide? 是不是被酸奶裹着的葡萄干终于意识到自己是多么愚蠢,然后集体自杀了?
No, but seriously they pulled some bodies out of the closed-down soup kitchen across the way tonight. 不,不过说真的,今晚他们从对面的施粥坊运出几具尸体。
So now we're completely off the blurb? 所以现在完全不聊宣传这事了吗?
Some guys broke in. A bunch of people got shot. Apparently, it was a drug deal gone wrong. 有些不明人士闯进去。然后一堆人被乱枪打死。显然是毒品交易谈不拢。
Oh, my God. That's horrible. I know. Why can't a drug deal ever go right? 天啊,太可怕了。就是啊。为什么毒品交易总是谈不拢呢?
Hey, they said it was a real bloodbath. 听人说当时血肉横飞啊。
I want to see it! 我要去看!
Oh, okay, so I'm closing the magazine then? 好吧,我得合上杂志了是吗?