打工姐妹花第二季 第100期:犯罪现场(在线收听

 Max, you can't go in there. It's a crime scene. There's police tape. Is she magic? 麦克斯,你不能进去。那可是犯罪现场,有警察封锁带。她会魔术吗?

One of my mom's boyfriends used to rob electronic stores. 我妈有个男友过去专门偷电子商店。
He took me once for my birthday. 有次作为生日礼物,他带了我去。
Hmm, there should be a light switch around here. 这附近应该有灯的开关啊。
Oh, my God. Oh, that's really gross. 天啊。这太恶心了吧。
That's the greatest thing I've ever seen! 这是我见过最棒的东西
Take a picture of me over here. I finally have a reason to join Instagram. 帮我在这里拍张照片。我终于有理由加入网上照片分享的行列了。
People are gonna be like, "Food, food, cat, food, nails, nails, murder?" 人们浏览照片时肯定会这样 "食物,食物,猫,食物,指甲,指甲,谋杀啊"?
Guys, I can't be in here. I get queasy if the meat juice touches my peas. 伙计们,我得走了。我吃饭有肉汁都想吐了,更何况这个。
Is this your first blood splatter? Jeez, someone's a princess. 这是你第一次见到血溅一墙吗?真是个温室花朵小公主啊。
Man, they are never gonna be able to rent this place now. 天啊,这地方以后肯定没人敢租了。
I'm gonna go over to my store and put blood on the walls, so Max will like it more. 我要回店里,往墙上浇点血,好讨麦克斯欢心。