打工姐妹花第二季 第102期:商量租下门店(2)(在线收听

 But are we ready? 但我们真的准备好了吗?

Okay, yes. This is a big leap of faith, 好吧,没错。这的确是一步险棋
but we're getting in lots of orders now thanks to the blurb. 但有了宣传后,我们的订单也多了起来。
And what's the worst thing that could happen? 而且最坏又能如何呢?
Um, maybe these could be our brains. 比如墙上会是我们的脑浆。
No, not gonna happen. We're gonna kill it. 不,不会的。我们一定能大杀四方。
No disrespect to any spirits still trying to find their way into the light. 我完全没有对任何还在苦苦寻求解脱的灵魂不敬。
I'll figure out a place, and we'll go first thing in the morning. 我会选好地方,明早一起来我们就去。
Find something business-y to wear, less cleavage. 打扮得像点生意人,少穿低领。
Oh, these are all business. 这些就是我的生意"本钱"。
Great, I'm gonna go find Andy. 很好,我要去找安迪了。
What is it about real estate that makes you wanna dry hump? 怎么说到房地产会让我想隔衣干"磨蹭"啊?
Max, I'm so excited. We're getting our dream. 麦克斯,我好兴奋啊。我们要实现我们的梦想了。
You look like you want a hug. I do. Good night. 看起来你想来个爱的抱抱。没错。晚安。