打工姐妹花第二季 第103期:生意贷款申请(在线收听

 "Max's homemade cupcakes," You're up. "麦克斯自制小蛋糕",轮到你了。

Caroline, why didn't you pick up? 卡洛琳,你干嘛不接电话?
They just called us early, and I don't know what to write on the paper. 提早轮到我们了,而且我也不懂该怎么填这表格。
And I feel like an idiot, my boobs are suffocating, 我感觉像个白痴一样,胸也要被衣服闷死了,
and the only "business" thing I could find was Han's blazer. 而我唯一能找到的正装,是阿憨的夹克。
It's itchy, and there's a piece of paper in the pocket with his name on it. Why would he have that? 穿起来身上好痒,而且口袋里有个纸条上面写着他名字。他干嘛要写名条放口袋啊?
"Max's homemade cupcakes," Time is money. "麦克斯自制小蛋糕"。时间就是金钱哦。
Um, here. But our appointment's not for another 20 minutes. Have a seat. 在。但我们预约的是20分钟后呢。请就座。
Cool place. Women's small businesses. Sisters doing it for themselves. 这地方挺不错啊。女性的小本生意。姐姐妹妹为了自己的前途而来这。
Well, I'm doing it for the medical benefits. Go. 我是为了医疗福利而来这。说吧。
Oh, now? Before she gets here? 现在就开始吗?我搭档人还没到呢。
Um, well, I'm not really much of a business person. 我这人不太懂做生意呢。
Great way to start a business loan application. Go! You have a minute. 好一个生意贷款申请的开场白啊。快说!给你一分钟讲。
Okay, well, um, how much time do I have now? 好吧,我...我还剩多少时间?
Slightly less than a minute. 不到一分钟。
Okay, uh, my business partner could explain this better than me, but I'll try. 我的生意伙伴肯定能解释得比我好,但我尽量吧。
We have a cupcake business. And we bake cupcakes in my roommate's bedroom. 我们拥有个小蛋糕生意。我们在我室友的房里烤小蛋糕。
I can't hear you. You want to write it down, draw it, shape it in clay? 我听不见你说的。你要用写的,画的,或是用粘土捏给我看吗?
I would have filled this out more, but that chick over there wouldn't let me cheat off her. 我本来也想多填一点,但那边那妞不让我抄她的。
She's not a girl's girl, know what I mean? 她不是那种女女互助型的妞啊。
Very professional. Under past loan repayment, you put, "Paid todd back all the beer money I owed." 非常"专业"。过去还贷历史,你填了"还了我欠陶德的酒债"。
To be fair, he was drunk all the time. 这可是好事,他那人整天醉醺醺的。
I could have just said I did. Points for honesty. 我都没骗他说我还钱了呢。给我的诚实加个分嘛。
Let's get you a new loan application. 我再拿一份新的贷款申请表给你吧。