打工姐妹花第二季 第104期:贷款被拒(在线收听

 Just got your message. The one time I don't come early. 才看到你的短信。我第一次没早来就出事了。

Speaking of that, I just had the most amazing orgasm. 说到"来",我刚体验了这辈子最棒的性高潮。
I mean, we've been having really great sex, 我跟安迪性生活是一直很美满啦,
but this morning, I could not get enough of his... 但今早,我爽得都停不下...
projected growth ratio investment analysis. 要看他的预期增长比投资分析报告了
Hello, Caroline Channing. Wharton class of '09. That's our business proposal. 您好,卡洛琳·钱宁。沃顿商学院09年毕业生。这是我们的商业计划书。
And I would be a little embarrassed about what just happened if I didn't know that we're all just girls here. 幸好在座各位都是女性,不然刚才就更尴尬了。
Can we move this along? I got a busted toilet and a pregnant dog at home. 能快点弄完这事吗?我有堵塞马桶跟怀孕的狗等我回家弄呢。
Why didn't you tell me she was under there? 你干嘛不提醒我她在桌子下面?
Oh, sorry, I wasn't expecting a monologue from confessions of a call girl. 是我不对,我没算到会听到一段"应召女郎的独白"。
I'm afraid we're gonna have to deny the loan. 恐怕我们无法贷款给你们。
Why? Because she had a good orgasm? Isn't that what the '70s was about for you gals? 为什么,就因为她高潮到炸吗?你们70年代的妞不是最爱"做"了吗?
You have no business history. And that's a requirement for us. 你们没有生意经验。但那是我们的基本要求。
Well, I think we're done here. 好吧,那恕我们不奉陪了。
Yeah. I just said that. 我刚不就是这意思吗。
I thought you guys were about supporting small women's business. 我还以为你们的主旨是支持女性的小本生意。
And this small woman's "bidness" needs support after the pounding it took today. Max, let's go. 而这小女人的"小生意"今日连遭"撞击",不正需要你们的支持吗。麦克斯,走吧。