打工姐妹花第二季 第107期:计划卖卵子赚钱(在线收听

And you're sure you're okay with selling your eggs, right? 你确定你愿意卖卵子赚钱吗?

Totally. What do I care? I've got a million of 'em. 当然,这有什么所谓?反正我有好几百万个。

I'm happy to lose a few. More room for beer. 少几个卵子也挺好,能多装点啤酒。

Lose some eggs, more room for beer. It's crazy that's not their slogan. 少留点卵子,多装点啤酒。他们居然没拿来当标语。

So what'd they ask you on the application? 申请表上都问了什么问题啊?

You know, income, hobbies, "Did you ever have sex in Africa?" I wish. 老生常谈啊,收入,兴趣,"有没有在非洲有过性行为"。我倒希望呢。

The closest I ever got was a dude once put his hand up my skirt in an ethiopian restaurant. 我最接近的一次,也就是一男的在非洲餐厅里把手伸到我裙子里非礼我。

You know, now that we're here, 话说,来到这里以后,

I think it's kind of wonderful that places like this exist to help women who can't have babies have babies. 我其实觉得这地方也很美好呢,能帮助不孕的女人完成生育的梦想。

Hey, you think they take points off for syphilis? 如果有梅毒会被扣分吗?

Max, I think it's really noble what you're doing to get our dream. 麦克斯,你为我们梦想所做的牺牲真的很伟大。

This is a very special day. 今天是个意义重大的日子。

How do you spell "chlamydia"? "衣原体感染"怎么拼啊?

Well, no "K"s, and I personally wouldn't heart the "I." 是C开头不是K,也可以不用画个小心装可爱。

Oh, thanks. And do I gotta put here if my brother touched a kid? 谢了。那我兄弟猥亵儿童的往事需要写上吗?

Max Black. Thank you for your interest, but I'm afraid we're gonna have to pass. 麦克斯·布莱克。感谢您的抬爱,但很遗憾,我们无法接受您的卵子。

Why? I didn't have sex in Africa. 为什么,我没在非洲有过性行为啊

Yes, I know, that was your one plus, 是的,有给您加一分,

but under "Family history," you put "Drinking" and "Secrets." 但家庭历史栏您填了"酗酒"与"秘密"。

I was being honest. 我是诚实回答啊。

Yeah, maybe too honest, because under "Education", you wrote, "Jeopardy reruns," 您可能太诚实了,因为在"教育程度"栏您填写了"看益智节目重播",

and we're really looking for college graduates. 而我们主要是想找大学毕业生。

Jeez, I'll take "Elitist" for 500, Alex. 靠,主持人,我选"精英主义"500块。

Sorry, we're looking for girls that come from Ivy league schools and have impressive family backgrounds. 抱歉,我们是想找常春藤盟校毕业而且有优良家庭背景的女孩。

Maybe her eggs didn't go to Wharton and graduate at the top of their class like I did, but just look at her. 虽然她的卵子不像我有上过沃顿商学院,并以尖子生的身份毕业,但你看看她。

Who wouldn't want a baby with such strength, beauty, and a rack so great it could breast-feed itself? 谁不会想要这么坚强,貌美,胸器棒到能自我哺乳的女性的卵子呢?

You went to Wharton? We pay $20,000 for Ivy league eggs. 你是沃顿毕业的吗?常春藤毕业生我们付两万块哦。
