打工姐妹花第二季 第108期:抽血闹剧(在线收听

 Wow, we're taking blood already? 哇,直接就抽血啦?

I guess going to Wharton does put you on the fast track. 上过沃顿还真是让你领先普通人一大步啊。
Just part of the process to become a donor. 只是当捐赠者的手续罢了。
I'm gonna go get some vials, and I'll be right back. 我去拿点试管,马上回来。
It's so cool of you to do this. It says a lot about you. 你愿意这么做真是太酷了。能看出你是个怎样的人。
You know what says a lot about me? 你知道什么能看出我是个怎样的人吗?
The fact that I know she tied you off wrong. 我能看出她橡皮管绑法错误。
I'm happy to do it. It's a small price to pay to make our dream come true. 我很乐意来牺牲。为了让我们圆梦,这点代价不算什么。
I'm doin' this to pay down some debt. I'm real deep 'cause of powerball. 我是来卖卵还债的。我买彩票搞得债台高筑。
Whoa, dude, how did you get through? 兄台,你是怎么通过筛选的?
I went to Harvard. I'm like crazy-good at math. 我是哈佛毕业生。我可是个数学天才啊。
Max, she's making me nervous. Close the curtain. 麦克斯,她把我搞得都紧张了。拉上帘子。
And frankly, I'm a little resentful. I didn't get into Harvard. 而且我还有点小不爽呢。我都没考进哈佛。
Are you sure you're okay with this? 'cause you seem a little jumpy. 你确定你要干这事吗?你看起来有点神经紧张。
No, I'm fine. They're just taking a little blood. 我没事啊。他们就抽一点血而已嘛。
Or from the looks of it, they're taking all of it. 现在看起来,他们是想把我抽干。
There better be a nice juice and a cookie after this. 之后敢给我烂饼干果汁你们就惨了。
Please relax. It's only eight vials. 请放轻松,抽八试管而已。
They gotta take a lot to make sure they don't get a kid with, like, another kid growing out of it. 他们会抽一大堆,以防有变种,或是畸形婴儿。
Max, this all just got very real. Hold my hand. 麦克斯,我才感觉要来真的。牵住我的手。
You know I don't hold hands. 你知道我不牵手的。
Oh, you lesbians are so high maintenance. 你们这些死拉拉真是难搞。
Please? You don't think I'm gonna give away my best egg, right? 拜托嘛?我应该不会刚好卖掉我最棒的那颗卵吧?
I'm not gonna give away the concert pianist 我可不想卖掉钢琴演奏家卵
and get stuck with the guy who breaks into homes and smells women's underwear? 而留下会入室抢劫并闻女性内衣物的变态卵吧?
Well, either way, you got a kid with a passion. But you don't have to do this. 无论如何,两个孩子都很有激情啊。你可以不必这么做的。
No, I can do this. It's for our dream. 为了我们的梦想,我可以的。
But you don't have to do this. 但你真的不必这么做。
I can do this. Put it in. It's already in. 我可以,抽吧。已经开抽了。
I can't do this. I'm not trashy, I'm not some farm animal. 我不能这么做。我又不堕落,也不是农场动物。
Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I am so, so sorry! 我的天啊。天啊。我的老天啊。真的很对不起。
You know what would be cute here? A cupcake store. 你知道这里很适合开什么店吗?小蛋糕店。