打工姐妹花第二季 第109期:苏菲慷慨送支票(在线收听

 Hi, Max. Oh, it's chilly outside. Nipples everywhere. 麦克斯,外面真冷啊。人人都冷得激凸啊。

Have a seat. I'll be right over. 请坐,我马上过来
Oh, that's okay. I texted my order in on the way. 不用,我来的路上就先短信点餐了。
Hey baby, I got your text. Did you get my erotic haiku? 宝贝,我收到你短信了。收到我的情欲俳句了吗?
I did. Did you get the picture I sent of me and the dustbuster? 收到。收到我与吸尘器的情欲艳照了吗?
No, I didn't. Oh, no, grandpa Yorgish! 没有啊。惨了,发到约基旭爷爷那里了!
Look. Earl framed our blurb. 你看。厄尔把宣传文章给表框了。
He did? That is so sweet. What? 真的吗,他真有心?怎么了?
I always saw it as bigger on the wall in our shop. 我一直觉得这有机会挂到店里的墙上呢。
Look, the shop is an amazing idea. 弄个店面的确是不错的主意。
And, if it's not that space right now, it'll be another. 这次的店面可能少了点缘分,下次还会有的嘛。
I mean, there have to be mass murders all over Brooklyn, right? If we're lucky. 布鲁克林区到处都有疯狂屠杀,店面总会有的。我们够幸运就有了。
And, even if it didn't work out, 就算到时候没成功,
it's still the closest I've ever come to something great, and that's cool. 但也会是我这一生最接近成功的一次,那也很好啊。
And someday we'll find someone crazy enough to lend us money. 总有一天会找到愿意借钱给我们的疯子。
I say that because, if you can convince me to believe a dream, you can get anyone. Pickup. 我说这个是因为,你都能说服我相信梦想,天下没人能不被你说服了。上菜。
Here you go, Sophie. That's $11.25. 苏菲,给,总共11块25。
Oh, you take a check, right? 你们收支票的吧?
This is for $20,000. 这是2万块支票呢
Oh, is it? I thought it was for $20. Oh, well. Keep it. 是吗,不是20块吗?算了,你们收着吧。
Maybe you could use it for your dream, or to get your legs waxed, or something. 看你们是要拿去完成梦想,还是你要拿去除腿毛,随便啦。
Sophie, are you serious? Yes. 苏菲,你是认真的吗?是的。
Sophie, this is really, really amazing. 苏菲,你这举动太太太棒了。
Oh, come on. I don't need a parade. Just keep the cupcakes coming. 拜托哦,老娘不用你们礼赞。天天送小蛋糕来就是了。
Max, do you know what this means? 麦克斯,你知道这代表什么吗?
We are going to be a Williamsburg must-have. 我们要成为威廉斯堡必尝好滋味了。
We're getting our dream. 我们要实现梦想了
I feel like you want a hug. I do. 看起来你想来个爱的抱抱。没错。