打工姐妹花第二季 第110期:噎到的食客(在线收听

 Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. 我要去一趟洗手间,很快回来。

I want to look in the mirror and make sure I'm still dead in the eyes. 我想去照照镜子,确认下我的眼神依旧死气沉沉。
You think you can handle my section? 你觉得你能应付好我这区吗?
Uh, yeah, I think I can handle it. 当然,我觉得我完全应付得过来。
Hey, Earl, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm running the whole diner right now. What, what? 厄尔,不知道你有没有注意到,但现在整间餐厅都归我管耶。厉害吧?
The customer at table ten appears to be choking, and I would help, 十号桌的客人好像噎着了,我想去帮忙,
but the last time I gave a white woman the heimlich, I did six months in the Birmingham city jail. 但我上次对一个白人女性实施海姆利克法,被抓进伯明翰的监狱关了六个月呢。
Oh, my God, are you choking? Oh, my god, I feel like you're choking! 天啊,您是噎着了吗?天啊,我感觉您像是噎着了!
Is anyone here a doctor? What am I saying? I forgot where I am. 这里有人是医生吗?我在胡说什么,这里哪会有医生来。
Has anyone here ever seen Scrubs? What do you do when a girl is choking? 这里有人看过《实习医生风云》吗?当有姑娘噎着时该怎么做啊?
I just back up a few inches. 我会从她嘴里"拔出来"一点。
What do we do? What do we do? This woman is choking! 我们该怎么办?怎么办啊,这个女人被噎着了!
Thank you so much. 非常感谢。
You're welcome. And feel free to tip me what you think your life's worth. 不用客气。你觉得自己的命值多少,就给多少小费吧。
I feel 3 bucks coming my way. 感觉要有三块钱入袋啦。