打工姐妹花第二季 第111期:集体欺骗阿憨(在线收听

 Here you go, guys. I'm the only waitress. 上菜啦,各位,这家店就我一个服务员。

Sorry you waited longer for the burger than you did for that Cosby sweater to come back. 您等这汉堡的时间比科斯比毛衣再流行还久,真对不住。
Max, look at my face. I'm very upset. 麦克斯,看我的表情,我非常不爽。
Is that what that means? I just assumed you were constipated. 原来是不爽啊,我还以为你是一脸便秘相呢。
Caroline is late again. 卡洛琳又迟到了。
And she better not use your new cupcake shop as an excuse this time, 'cause sister, that crap ain't gonna fly. 她最好别再拿你们新蛋糕店当借口,因为妹子,老娘才不信那屁话呢。
First of all, stop talking like you're in a Tyler Perry movie. 首先,请不要学黑人疯婆子电影里的语气说话。
And secondly, Caroline's here; she's in the kitchen. 其次,卡洛琳在呢,她在厨房啊。
Oh, really? 'cause when I was in there, you told me she was out here. You play me, fool. 是吗,刚才我在厨房,你跟我说她在外面。你耍老娘啊。
Stop talking like you're in a Tyler Perry Sequel. And secondly... 请别学黑人疯婆子电影续集里的语气说话。其次...
I'll ask Earl. Earl... Ow! 我问厄尔好了。厄尔...哎哟喂!
What happened? Why did you scream? 怎么了,你干嘛尖叫?
I accidentally sat on one of my boys! 我刚不小心坐到我的"蛋"了!
Have you seen Caroline tonight? 你今晚有见过卡洛琳吗?
Of course I have, man. I just saw her go down the hall to the ladies room. 当然有啦,兄弟。我刚看见她走到那头去洗手间了。
There. Happy? You've solved the big mystery, Shortlock Holmes. 瞧,开心了吧?你破解了大谜题,小洛克·福尔小厮。
Wait, she didn't pick up any of her... Caroline? 慢着,她没有端任何她的...卡洛琳?
Can't talk now, Han. And how many more times do I have to ask you to fix this damn pie carousel? 没功夫搭理你,阿憨。我得跟你说多少遍,你才愿意修好这个放派的转盘啊?
I mean, the temp just isn't cool enough, and those tapiocas are gonna turn bad. 温度一点都不够凉,西米露很容易会变质。
If you do want a lawsuit, just keep ignoring me. 如果你想吃官司,就继续忽视我的话吧。
Max, can I see you in the kitchen where I was just a couple minutes ago after I got out of the ladies room? 麦克斯,能进我几分钟前就待过的厨房说说话吗,虽然我后来去上了个厕所。
Yeah, get on that temperature thing. 对啊,赶紧弄那玩意的温度。
There's so much mold growing in there that cherry pie's gonna need a pap smear. 里面霉菌那个多呀,樱桃派都得来个子宫颈抹片检查了。