打工姐妹花第二季 第112期:设想成为老板的样子(在线收听

 That was some ballsy, bold, in-your-face awesome lying. 刚才还真是有种够胆,牛逼哄哄的扯谎呀。

I learned it by watching you, dad. 虎父无犬子嘛,父亲大人。
Had to lie. We need every minute we can steal away from here to get the cupcake shop ready. 不撒谎不行,为了蛋糕店,我们得尽可能偷时间,能偷多少是多少。
We still have to do the second coat of paint, figure out tables and chairs... 我们还得再刷一遍漆,搞定桌椅...
What? Didn't have time for lunch. 看什么,我没时间吃午饭。
Oh, I don't care. I'm surprised you're using a spoon. I just stick my face in it. 我又不在乎。我只是惊讶你居然还用勺子。我通常直接把脸埋进去吃。
So, my brilliant idea of how we get this all done is we should get an intern to help. 我有个能把这一切搞定的绝妙主意,就是招个实习生来帮忙。
What? No. I can't be a person that has an intern. 什么,不行。我当不了用实习生的老板。
I can barely be a person that doesn't have an intern. 我连当个没实习生跟班的老板都很勉强了。
Max, all businesses use interns. We just have to post an ad online at NYU or Columbia, 麦克斯,所有企业都用实习生啊。只需在纽约大学或哥伦比亚大学的网上,发个招聘广告,
and we'll have 20 applicants battling it out to do our grunt work for credit. 就能收到雪片般飞来争先恐后求这苦差事的申请。
You make it sound like The Hunger Games: college edition. 被你说得像是《饥饿游戏之大学版》。
Sorry, I'm against getting people to work for free. 抱歉,我反对不给钱让人干白活。
I'm with you, Max. My people were interns for 436 years. 我同意,麦克斯。我们黑人免费"实习"了436年呢。
I am just getting used to the idea of having my own business and now you want me to be someone's boss? 我才刚习惯拥有自己的小生意这个念头,现在你就要我当别人的老板啊?
I am not the boss. I'm the person who talks behind the boss's back. 我不是当老板的料。我是那种在老板背后说他坏话的人。
Pick up. Thanks. Isn't han a tool? Total tool. Yeah, a tiny tool. 上菜。谢了,阿憨是个傻逼吧?纯傻逼。一个小傻逼。
Like the kind you fix your eyeglasses with. 就像拿来修眼镜的小工具一样。
See? That's my wheelhouse. 看见了吗?那才是我擅长的事。
Look, I don't want to ask someone to work for free. We can do it all ourselves. 我不想让人来免费帮咱们工作。我们可以自己做啊。
You want to do it all yourself? Great. I'll write everything you need to do on a to-do list. 你想一切都自己搞定吗,没问题。我会列个待办清单,你得去办好一切。
Why don't you to-do that? And I will to-tear it up. 为什么你不"去办"呢?然后我"去把它撕成碎片"。