打工姐妹花第二季 第113期:甜蜜(在线收听

 What're we tearing up? 我们要把什么撕碎?

'cause if it's that ass, I already got that covered. 如果是卡洛琳的翘臀,那我已经搞定了。
Hi, Andy. That's so sweet and dirty. 安迪,那番话真是又甜蜜又下流。
Easy, easy. What are you, shipping off to war? 要这么激情吗,你又不是要被送去打仗?
Here. Take this giant bag of skittles and look the other way. 来,这大包彩虹糖给你,别插手这事。
I'm not that easy. Ooh, new mystery flavors? 老娘可没这么好哄。哇,新的神秘口味。
We getting together after you get off work? 下班后再见对吧?
It'll be really late. Max and I still have to go to the cupcake shop 今天会非常晚。我和麦克斯还得去小蛋糕店,
and tape up the windows so we can start the trim tomorrow. 用胶带把窗户粘上,这样明天好开工装修。
Okay, I'm not very good at painting, but I can do this while you paint. 好吧,虽然我不擅长刷漆,但你刷漆时,我可以在一边做这个。
Yeah. Yeah, roll that paint on that wall. 对。就这样,把油漆刷到墙上。
You are so freaking cute. Ugh, white people. 你真是可爱到爆。白人果然都是白痴。
Look, why don't you guys just get an intern? 你们何不找个实习生呢?
That's what I did when I opened my shop. 我当初开店的时候也是这么做
You two are like evil warlords mining the souls of innocent zombies. 你们俩简直就是魔鬼军阀,开采着无辜丧尸的灵魂。
Oh, and keep your eyes peeled at your store. 对了,要注意看看你的店。
The janitor told me he saw some rat droppings. 门卫说他发现里面有老鼠屎。
But all you gotta do is set up some traps. 不过你们只需弄几个扑鼠器就行了。
Oh, gross. Who's gonna do that? The intern? 真恶心,谁来干这活啊?实习生吗?