打工姐妹花第二季 第114期:招聘实习生(在线收听

 So, Ruth, you are a sophomore at NYU, majoring in finance? 露丝,纽约大学大二生,主修金融是吗?

You know you're not gonna get paid. No money at all. 你知道是无偿干白活吧。一分钱都没有哦。
Yup, it's in internship. I mean, it's all good, right? 对啊,实习就是这样啊。我是说,没关系的,对吧?
It's all good until you need money. 直到你需要钱就有关系了。
Well, we're a startup company, and we're launching our very first retail store, 我们是家刚起步的公司,刚开设我们头一家零售店,
so there's a lot of details that you'll be responsible for. 所以你需要负责很多小事。
There's a lot of carrying things, maybe some trapping things. 很多搬运工的事,可能还有些捕猎的事情哦。
Oh, it's cool. I have a car. 没关系,我有车。
You have a car and you want to be an intern? How 'bout if we switch places? 你是有车一族,居然还想当实习生?不然咱俩换一换?
I'll be the intern with the car, and you can sit on a broken folding chair next to Donna Trump over here. 我来当有车的实习生,你来坐这张烂的折叠椅,坐在女版唐纳德·川普的旁边。
Well, Max and I need to have a little meeting right now, 我和麦克斯现在得开个小会,
so if you could go over to the waiting room, that'd be great. Okay, Ruth? 你最好去那边的等候区稍等一会。可以吗,露丝?
I just wanna say I know my name is weird, but like it's too late, right? 我想说我知道我的名字很奇怪,但现在改名太晚了,对吧?
Max, why are you trying to convince her to not be our intern? 麦克斯,你干嘛试图说服她不要当我们的实习生啊?
Why are you not saying, "You may get rabies and bubonic plague from our rats?" 你又干嘛不告诉她"你可能因老鼠而染上狂犬病和黑死病啊"?
Don't mention the rats. You're chasing them away. 别提老鼠。你会吓跑人家。
And we do not have rats. We have rat droppings. Let's not jump to conclusions. 而且我们这里只有老鼠屎,没有老鼠。别过早下结论。
You're right, the rats are probably just coming in here to use the bathroom. 你说得对,老鼠可能只是来这里借个厕所而已。